
I’ve let everyone know several times that part of my daily ritual includes scanning news feeds, but there is another part that I enjoy even more. My youngest daughter likes to walk with me …

For all media outlets — television, radio, newspaper, online — covering a tragedy can be difficult, not only because the subject matter can be disturbing but painful. Wars, for …

So, the election happened, and life is kinda moving forward. At least, it’s moving forward for most people; there are a few million folks out there, frantically digging escape tunnels and …

In the ‘90s I remember seeing a T-shirt bearing the slogan “If God wanted us to vote, he would’ve given us candidates.” The shirt was a response to years and years of …

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." Winston Churchill, November 11, 1947. Chaos, fear, and uncertainty are the …

Last month, there was a plethora (Si, El Guapo, I know what a plethora is) of memage on the interwebs regarding the decoration of homes, offices and people for Halloween, and the lengths some people …

We are wrapping up another election season, the 10th presidential race I personally have participated in with my vote. I am thankful for being encouraged to vote by my family and my community. As of …

There’s been an ache in the pit of my stomach, and I’ve been filled with anxiety. My nerves have been fraught, and my fuse has been short. I’ve no doubt that all of this can be …

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.”   Clearly, we must now have proof …

And the sign said, “Come on in and vote, but vote our way. So I tossed my ID back on the desk and went in to have my say. “It don’t matter whether it’s legal or not, …

Tucker Carlson gave a speech recently at a rally for Donald Trump by Turning Point USA PAC. The PAC is a right-wing student organization founded by Charlie Kirk. It has raised millions of dollars …

It really isn’t hyperbole, or exaggerated statements not to be taken literally, to say that this election will shape the future of this country. Should Harris win, there will be …

Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on American institutions have had a profound effect on our social fabric, and the consequences are becoming harder to ignore. From his baseless claims of …

We lost two trailblazers this past week. Ethel Kennedy, 96, died Oct. 10 in Boston and Lilly Ledbetter, 86, died Oct. 12 in Alabama. The two women left their mark in numerous ways but are probably …

Ozymandias by Percy Shelley   I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered …

No matter where you come down on FEMA’s inability — or more accurately lack of funding — for hurricane relief for the back-to-back disasters on the East Coast, one thing should …

No matter where you come down on FEMA’s inability — or more accurately lack of funding — for hurricane relief for the back-to-back disasters on the East Coast, one thing should …

So, here’s a thought experiment. It’s the 1950s, and Senator Joseph McCarthy is on the television, wagging his finger at the American public, naming "enemies within" our borders. …

If you were paying attention to the vice-presidential debate, you would have gotten a whiff of what the liberal goons are cooking, and that is true censorship. It’s part of the game played …

Many of the PSAs out there concerning Halloween have much to do with the safety of young people. Sure, kidnapping is a valid and heavy concern, but all of the nonsense floating around about people …

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