Have you noticed the incredible decline in American society? According to Donald Trump, it’s nearly impossible to miss. Just step outside your front door, and you might encounter the dangerous …
Some of you may not be aware of this, but I am on my third stint at the Polk County Enterprise, having logged in a total of 18½ years as of this writing. The times I left were not the result …
A question that has been bouncing around my mind over the last few weeks is, “Is this the best we can do?”
On a foggy morning of October 2, 1835, a fight erupted in Gonzales, marking the beginning of the War for Texas Independence. The conflict began when a Mexican commander, informed that Texas settlers …
My mom knew me well. So well, in fact, that as I left for college she outfitted me not only in the latest fashions for my body but she also armed me for life by the gift of a ceramic “book, a …
The Dallas Texans, the first pro football team in the Southwest, proved their season opening defeat was no fluke by losing 37-14 to the San Francisco 49ers on Oct. 5, 1952. Seventy-two years …
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but with major happenings afoot in our country and in our world, well, the time seems ripe for pickin’ a few fruits off the vine for …
The following want ad appeared in a local newspaper: “For sale: 52-year-old husband, never remembers anniversaries, birthdays, or special occasions, never says ‘I love you,’ never …
A question that has been bouncing around my mind over the last few weeks is, “Is this the best we can do?” I’m speaking specifically of our presidential candidates, of course, …
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” —Abraham Lincoln In the months leading up to the 2024 Presidential …
I come from a family of readers – anything and everything. As a child, I wanted to read whatever my Mother was reading. And to their credit, my parents allowed me to read anything that I wanted …
Nothing can keep you bound. John 8.36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. Mark chapter 10 verse 46 through 52 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho …
“Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.” – Frank Zappa
It always startles me, even when – tipped off by swaying pines and limbs pelting my house – I suspect that it might happen. After a minute or two . . . I begin to gather my wits and my battery-operated gadgets around me and settle in for what I hope will be a short-lived power outage.
There’s lies, damned lies and statistics, then there’s whatever you want to call what’s going on in the national election cycle. Both sides of the aisle — a euphemism in …
Well, the 75th Trinity Community Fair has come and gone. By all accounts it was a hit except for the weather. The vendors, music, rides and entertainment were what we expected, and we are looking …