We’ll fix those pesky high prices for you (that we created): Feds


It’s pretty much a given that everyone is upset about the rising costs of everything, particularly food.

For me, the only bright spot in that was that I found that the Kroger version of zero sugar soda was much tastier that Coke’s, but it’s still doggone pricey.

While many have gone with off-brand stuff to try to save a buck, hopefully to feed a family without skipping a car payment, it’s still galling that the prices continue to climb.

Since it’s an election year, and since we don’t have any idea how to solve our other problems, we’ll make promises to take on those evil grocery store chains, since the only reason that prices are high is that stores are price gouging.

Umm, yeah.

The Democrats’ emergency backup candidate is being faced with ridicule and scorn for proposing to hold price hikes to a minimum. In my research into this, though, it turns out that this kind of reaction will accomplish exactly the opposite of what is intended, since it doesn’t solve the underlying causes of high prices.

According to numerous news outlets, including those normally in the tank for the left, this kind of reaction has been tried in many other countries, and in every case, it has failed miserably. It also has another side effect, in that it will first kill off the mom-and-pop stores, then some of the smaller stores, which then lead to food shortages and Soviet-style bread lines.

It’s a pretty much accepted that the cause of high prices stems from the increased cost of production, and in particular, transportation costs, which have increased because the ridiculous policies of the current administration have caused the price of gasoline to almost double. 

The government’s policy of printing more money to jump-start the economy has played into the rising price of everything, too.

Yet no way, no how will you hear the government, with or without the Steve Urkel voice, saying, “Did I do that?”

While this might have some mass appeal, it’s only because the real reasons haven’t been made too public, even with the negative reception by the mainstream propagandists.

Even better, since all of those same economic pressures have made home ownership extremely difficult, the replacement candidate is telling folks she has a plan to provide first-time homebuyers $25,000 in magic federal money.

Many economists and people of financial knowledge have claimed that this will simply make the homes more expensive, since sellers will obviously add $25,000 to the price, and that will put the home-seeking public in the same boat.

But more to that point, where is all of this money coming from? The country has a trillion-dollar deficit and is more than $35 trillion in debt, and the best plan is to spend even more money?

I cannot understand why the default setting of our current government to only double down on policies that are at the core disastrous. Better to remove bad policy than to press forward with worse ideas in the guise of fixes.

Tony Farkas is editor of the Trinity County News-Standard and the San Jacinto News-Times. He can be reached at tony@polkcountypublishing.com.