COLDSPRING — Former Constable Sam Houston took office on Jan. 1, and has placed new administrative leaders in key positions to “play vital roles in advancing our mission to serve and protect our community.”
Houston said that the new Chief Deputy is Stanley Jolly and Jail Captain is Ronny Taylor.
“Both are exceptional leaders,” he said. “We are deeply grateful for the deputies who have supported us through this period. With prayer, faith, and guidance from Our Lord, we are committed to steering San Jacinto County in the right direction as we enter 2025 and beyond.”
Houston said county residents spoke clearly in the last election — they wanted change, electing four new leaders: a new State Representative, a new Constable for Precinct 3, and two new Commissioners to join our county leadership.
“Together, I am confident we all can bring about positive and meaningful change for San Jacinto County,” he said. “I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who placed their trust in me to fulfill this important role.”
Houston did said that while he had hoped for a peaceful transition of power following the election, circumstances have proven challenging. People who were not asked to return as several officers and deputies were given letters saying they would not be sworn in again; Houston said that someone erased the name on a letter and made copies, and put them in the boxes for other workers that were there.
“I had only four letters to give out to people I wanted to know they wouldn’t be with us,” he said. “We had our team together. Most of the people in question were going to leave anyway; I’m not coming in to fire people.”
Houston also said that all office and jail keys were dumped in a bag, meaning time was wasted as people had to figure out what they go to.
“It hurts us somewhat, but it also hurts the people we’re trying to hire and ultimately the people we’re supposed to protect,” he said.
The Sheriff’s Office Facebook was killed as well.
Houston said still, the priority is the safety and well-being of every resident.
“We pledge to work tirelessly to serve this community with integrity, dedication, and transparency,” he said.