The Women’s League Thursday meeting at the Coldspring Community Center had Charlene Smith as a guest speaker. She spoke about the SJC Senior Center of which she is administrator.
Charlene spoke of the history of the Center and how the resale shop is vitally important to the continuation of the services it supplies. More than 1,000 meals every month are delivered to shut-in seniors and to those who come to dine at the center.
Others joined Charlene in explaining how the resale shop is so important by showing outfits they were wearing were from the shop and one was on display by the podium. Most items are $1 or a little more. The outfit on the stand was priced at $3.50. Judy Chatham wore a complete outfit from the store, as did all the speakers, with a beautiful necklace which cost her $3.
If you have not visited the resale shop, you should make time. Apart from clothes and jewelry, artwork, china and glassware, books and furniture and more are on sale.
• Polk County Job Fair is on Thursday from 10 a.m-2 p.m. It covers jobs in Polk, San Jacinto and Tyler counties and will be held at the Livingston Chamber of Commerce at 1001 US 59 Loop N. Call Barbara Justice for more information at (936) 327-5421. Dress for success and bring your resume.
• The Coldspring Garden Club has been busy planting bluebonnets in areas around town. Watch for these flowers in the Spring outside the Library, around the Courthouse, at the Memorial in the Park and other places. The workers are volunteers and members of the Garden Club who had to work hard to clear off the areas before seeds could be planted. Thanks to all of them.
• The San Jacinto County Democratic Party will have its Christmas party on Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. at El Taquito in Coldspring. Their monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at Coldspring Community Center.
• I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. As soon as we have recovered from it, it will be time for Shepherd Country Christmas at the Shepherd Community Center. Dec. 7 is the date.
Vendors can have a place either inside or outside under the Pavilion roof. Music, Santa from 3-5 p.m. will be ready for photo ops and face painting, games, vendors and food will be there. One vendor who comes to the Brewtique Farmers Market will be there with her eggs and young chicks for sale. The Parade will be at 6 p.m., and line-up begins at 4 p.m. when judging is done. Forms are online or at Shepherd City Hall or Library next door.
Coldspring Chamber of Commerce has its Christmas on the Square the following week, Dec. 14. Vendors and music, food and fun will be there as always. More details soon.
Contact the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce at (210) 995-7420 or the Coldspring Chamber at (936) 653-2184.
Yvonne Cones is president of the Shepherd Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Coldspring Chamber of Commerce.