Bits and bites about this and that


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By Tony Farkas

Sometimes the ridiculous comes in waves so large that you just can’t pick just one thing to focus on.

It’s times like these that I’m glad I live in a part of the country that still has most of its sanity and still believes in good.

Here’s a few of the weirdnesses that I’ve run across this week, and they are listed in no particular order.

•After Elon Musk purchased Twitter, aside from cleaning house of employees and cleaning timelines of said employees’ belief systems, he decided to monetize a portion of Twitter — the Blue Check of Perpetual Verification — and charge for people to have the sparkly blue badge near their name.

Alyssa Milano, who starred in an 80s sitcom and has long passed her sell-by date, is upset about that, saying that her free speech rights are being violated, or something.

Twitter is free to use, but not free to run. If Elon chooses to do this, that’s his prerogative. If that’s upsetting, then move on. But making a press tour and career out of whinging is not a pretty sight.

•Hunter Biden, after all this time, may actually face some criminal charges for his “business” dealings. While that in an of itself is interesting, since the government and numerous law enforcement agencies had a laptop full of information, what’s even more interesting is that the media has now found out there’s some meat on that bone.

Sad thing about being last to the party is that the good stuff has passed you by, and you look foolish for being late.

•For the longest time, green energy has been touted as the next evolution in energy production, but really hasn’t gotten much traction. Solar has limitations, and wind is not as productive as it should be and is more expensive than it should be.

Energy Mullah John Kerry, who flits from hither to yon in a private, non-solar or -wind powered jet, tells us that green energy is being discriminated against, so in order to give it a chance, we’ll just raise the prices of fossil fuels. That’ll make it more competitive.

As an aside, Kerry is not an elected official (but plays one on TV).

•Anheuser-Busch, the company behind the Budweiser product line, found out that if ignoring the customer base, as well as try to force a “woke” agenda by putting a TikTok-famous “trans” person on its cans and as its spokesthing, business falls off.

Like, a lot.

A director of marketing for the firm, who claims she was brought in to create a new message, lasted maybe two weeks after this debacle and is now MIA.

•The icing on the crazy cake, at least for this week, is the federal government fighting against non-inclusive practices in safety testing.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, along with Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro, have risen up to carry this banner and fight against gender inequity, and are proposing that there be more — I can’t even believe this is a thing — female crash test dummies.

Apparently, this will assist designers in creating vehicles that will be safer for women drivers. However, there’s no word on whether there also will be trans crash test dummies, which is weird since gender is a social construct or whatever.

I would ask if there’s more, but I don’t think I want the answer.