County preparing for upcoming legislative session


In preparation for the upcoming 89th session of the Texas Legislature which convenes in January, the Polk County Commissioners Court will consider action on several resolutions during its regular meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

These include: a resolution in opposition to proposed legislation that would limit local governments’ ability to communicate with the Texas Legislature; a resolution in support of addressing ambiguities in subdivision platting exceptions; a resolution in support of a county motor fuel tax exemption; a resolution in support of local option homestead exemption based on dollar amount; a resolution in support of state reimbursement to counties for detention costs; and a resolution in support of legislation that would allow counties to create buffer zones for energy storage facilities.

The Court will enter into an executive session to consult with an attorney to discuss and consider action regarding an information technology security incident. Any action, however, will be taken upon return to open session.

Action regarding expenditures from the maintenance capital outlay buildings (budgeted funds) will be considered as follows – renovations to the animal control facility and replacement of an air conditioning unit at the Polk County Jail.

The Court will discuss and consider action for the allocation of remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds, as follows: an amendment to the memorandum of understanding between Polk County and Providence Water Supply Company; an amendment to the memorandum of understanding between Polk County and Tempe Water Supply Corporation; an amendment to the memorandum of understanding between Polk County and Onalaska Water and Gas Supply Corporation; and memorandums of understanding with the Polk County Road & Bridge precincts.

A request for the capital purchase of a cattle trailer from Longhorn Trailer Sales not to exceed $35,000 will be considered, as will determination of the method of funding.

A change order for the courthouse restoration project plumbing modifications will be considered for approval.

The Court will discuss and consider action regarding RFP #2025-13 for psychological testing evaluations for law enforcement.

A resolution to certify and utilize fiscal year 2024 IAH Secure Adult Detention Facility revenues will be considered for approval.

Other items to be discussed and considered for action include: an update to the Polk County purchasing policy; the Polk County Justice Court youth diversion program; Change Order No. 2 for the 2021 ARPA-SLFRF Water Plant improvements at Providence Water Supply Company; adoption of an order regulating certain fireworks in the unincorporated areas of the county during the December holiday period; and a decision on whether to cancel the Dec. 27 meeting.

In personnel matters, the Court will consider approval of personnel action forms submitted by

department heads since the last meeting and review any authorized emergency hires; discuss and consider a request to use discretionary funds for a one-time bonus in lieu of step increase; and consider paying biweekly FLSA compensation for all jail and telecommunications staff beginning with the Dec. 2 payroll and continuing through Sept. 21, utilizing available funds from the respective salary line items.

Fiscal year 2024 budget revisions and amendments as presented by the county auditor’s office will be considered for approval.

Several presentations will be made during the portion of the meeting reserved for informational reports – the Polk County Safety Committee’s “Excellence in Safety Award” for fiscal year 2024; the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association awarded to the Polk County auditor’s office for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2023; and the completed American Rescue Plan Act broadband partnership projects.

In old business, the Court will consider approval of the minutes of the Nov. 12 and Nov. 18 meetings.

Items on the consent agenda include:

• Approve minutes of the Nov. 26 meeting;

• Approve schedules of bills;

• Approve order designating surplus property;

• Receive and record personnel action forms submitted by elected officials since the last meeting;

• Approve addendum to non-exclusive license agreement with Indigent Healthcare Solutions for one image station in the amount of $4,188 per year;

• Approve changes to office assignments at the Polk County Office Annex;

• Receive and record listing of current members of Polk County Safety Committee;

• Approve re-appointment of Garvey Jackson to the workforce development board for a three-year term beginning Jan. 1;

• Accept sub-grant award for the hazard mitigation grant program in the amount of $251,003.70 for the Dallardsville Segno Water Supply Company generator project; and

• Approve resolution to adopt the Polk County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan, funded by General Land Office Contract No. 22-130-033-E029.