CHESTER – Chester City Secretary Balela Weaver informed Chester Mayor Robert Poynter at their regular first Monday meeting, Dec. 2, that Anderson Cooper, a Life Scout with Troop 329, had completed three picnic tables for the Chester City Park.
Cooper also removed the old ones and spruced up the area.
Cooper had reached out to Chester earlier in the year regarding this project in pursuit of his Eagle Scout rank. Poynter and the council were all thrilled not only for the tables but for the honor to aid a young man pursuing such an esteemed rank.
In other agenda items, Poynter facilitated a quick council meeting, noting not very tongue-in-cheek that they might ought to “commemorate this moment,” he said, for it was the first time that Weaver had reported zero past dues. All accounts were clear and up to date.
The city is looking for another employee to help with the Chester Gas Company, and all prospects should contact Weaver or Poynter. Experience is preferred, but if not, they will train.
Weaver was still working with the city grant facilitators, and Poynter was working with their bank on getting the best interest rates on their CDs.
Councilwoman Gail Williams brought some delicious homemade banana nut cake to celebrate the holidays, and all wished everyone a Merry Christmas.