One thing that’s been banging around this old noggin for quite some time, especially over the last 20-something years, has been children.
When I married my wife, I got a daughter on the rent-to-own plan, and then later, two more came into the picture.
As with most parents, I will do any and everything to keep my babies safe. And, no, this isn’t about guns and gun control. It’s about me wondering why I have to keep them safe from the rest of the world, particularly from the “well-meaning do-gooders” who believe they know so much better than I what my children want, need, deserve and are entitled to.
The self-appointed busybodies claim that a child’s “rights” supersede my parental obligations and authority, which to me is such a ridiculous and oxymoronic stance it bears discussion.
Most states have laws in place that determine 18 to be the age of majority (Texas is 17), and until that age, parents are required to care for them. At the age of majority, it is widely accepted that decisions affecting lives belong to the individual.
A parent’s failure to abide by this is even punishable by law. So how come when it comes to the execrable “trans” movement, parents are being actively removed from the equation?
Not that all parents harbor the same sentiments, by the way, since some claim that fetuses in the womb have made the decision to transition.
School officials across the land have decided it’s OK for teachers and counselors to determine a child’s desire for gender change and will even keep that information from parents. Some states, such as California, have declared themselves sanctuaries for children who want to transition without parental consent or even involvement.
States have tried to put control back into the hands of parents, where it belongs, but even that is being challenged by the Karens and Kens of the country. Recently, a judge in Indiana has set aside a state law that would ban “gender-affirming” care for minors, only allowing actual surgeries to be put off.
All of this is based on what I feel is a grand lie.
Sometime in the recent past, it was claimed by the cognoscenti that gender is simply a social construct, and not, as has been in the past, a function of genetics. Proponents claim that it’s just a way for people to be true to their own selves, but it belies the thing they most covet, which is adherence to the god of science.
Gender dysphoria may be a valid diagnosis for certain individuals, but it’s not a valid reason to remove a parent’s responsibility toward children; in fact, it’s a great reason for a parent to get more involved with their children and their lives.
Being a parent means love is unconditional. Being uninvolved, or having involvement dictated by an agency or government, only means that children will become property of the state. Human beings being property never ends well.