By Tony Farkas
The extended daylight granted on Sunday has given all of us the opportunity to see the state of things, and in particular, at least for me, the state of my “brethren” in the national media.
Recently, it’s been coming to light (see what I did there?) that all of the measures taken during the COVID crisis, which were perpetuated by our Clown Criers in the mainstream media, were in reality ineffective.
Also, more and more doctors are fessing up to the fact that vaccinations are not the panacea they were touted to be, masks, particularly designer and fashion masks made of cloth, did less than nothing, and the government mandates, which were largely responsible for the national economic meltdown.
Along those same lines, the “inflation” bill, the $3 trillion boondoggle which was supposed to right the economic ship and instead caused it to founder even more, was gushed over by anchors and pundits and not, as any good journalist should, researched well and written with quotes from both sides of the debate.
Let’s not forget the hyper-ridiculous special committee seeking the “full and unadulterated” truth about what happened in the Jan. 6 “insurrection to end all insurrections” at the nation’s capitol and the subsequent referral of President Donald Trump for criminal prosecutions.
Those referrals, by the way, were made even though the “select” committee did not watch the video evidence. Didn’t stop them, nor their willing cohorts in the press, from lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks.
Speaking of prosecutions, more and more there are stories touting the blatant partisanship of the U.S. Justice Department and its armed investigative group the FBI. We heard countless tales of the evil pastor who “assaulted” a woman outside of an abortion clinic, but not really a peep about Hunter Biden and his Laptop of Destiny being actually real and actually full of information, some of which could be prosecutable.
We’re not really hearing this from the Alphabet networks, the CNN-MSNBC cabal or the New York Times or Washington Post. Nor are we hearing anything remotely as ownership of the terrible reporting and propaganda cheerleading that was done.
Water under the bridge of truth, I guess.
It’s because of these kinds of things that I never wanted to rise up the ladder of journalism, opting for the sense and enjoyment given by local, community-driven journalism. Taking pride in the accomplishments of people who you have known for generations, watching as the latest crop of students become amazing adults, and seeing into the future through the eyes of the people elected to keep the faith for small towns and counties.
All of the newspapers in the Polk County Publishing family follow this same premise — local news, local facts, and no slant or bias around. And if you feel something like this exists, let us know, and we’ll fix it.
And that, of course, is the truth.