By Tony Farkas
I remember hearing different things for the branches of the nation’s armed forces, slogans chosen to inspire and recruit.
The Army: Choice, Not Chance. We Want You. Army Strong. Be All That You Can Be.
Or the Marines, who always were First to fight, Always Faithful (Semper Fidelis), or even The Few, the Proud.
The Navy: It’s Not Just a Job, It’s an Adventure. Forged by the Sea.
The Air Force: One Team, One Mission. A Great Way of Life. Integrity First. Service Before Self.
While I never enlisted, I did grow up in a military family — my father was a 20-year veteran of the Air Force, and later, my brother did a few hitches in the Army. My uncle even spent time in Vietnam in the Navy, as well as my father-in-law.
My family was proud to serve because it at the time was an honorable profession. They were protecting the country.
However, the military of that era is seemingly gone, along with the honor of serving, the accomplishments, the camaraderie, even the perception of the U.S. being a superpower has waned.
The military of this day and age has embrace, for lack of a better term, a woke agenda, and instead of focusing on a mission — Constitutionally mandated, mind you — of protecting our borders, the focus has shifted to protecting things like the climate and diversity.
Even military equipment hasn’t escaped the ridiculous, as Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm has put forth an agenda of making the military 100 percent electric by 2030.
This goes hand-in-hand with a policy that is proposed by President Biden, who commissioned an Environmental Justice Score survey of all federal agencies.
I don’t think I can adequately describe my horror at the thought of lethal RC tanks and troop carriers racing toward the enemy, or the mirth instilled in our enemies that are watching electric aircraft carriers launching electric RC jets for bombing runs.
All of that is beside the point, which is this type of thinking is antithetical to the mission of the military, as electric vehicle technology hasn’t progressed far enough to make private cars and trucks reliable, and the power demands of the military would outpace that enormously.
Further, concerns about diversity and acceptance have created a military that is unprepared, and possibly unwilling, to do its sworn duty. This isn’t new, by the way, since military policy has slowly become less about training a fighting force and more about making sure feelings don’t get hurt.
My brother tells stories about how boot camps, designed to not only train soldiers in combat but also to train soldiers in dealing with the stress of battle, have stopped using tried and true methods and instead became less strident.
All of this is costing our country not just its sovereign safety, but billions of dollars.
In essence, embracing the green agenda has become the hill that the government wants to die on, and it has chosen to do it with an unprepared military.
Tony Farkas is editor of the Trinity County News-Standard and the San Jacinto News-Times. He can be reached at