Time to clap back against megalomania


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By Tony Farkas

As everyone knows, raising children takes a boatload of patience, a planetload of love and compassion and a universe full of the need for protection.

If we were in a society where the family was the only outside influence, then the first two needs would be enough.

But we’re not, which is where the third need — protection — becomes so vitally important. After all, these new humans don’t come assembled right out of the box; it takes patience and love to create the perfect being (and it helps make sure no parts are left out).

Myself, I’ve always told my children that everything has rules, and for the most part, if you follow them you’ll be OK.

Sometimes, though, that’s not enough, especially if the rule is either ridiculous or done to force a particular way of thinking on a child.

The biggest for-instance that I see lately is the Alphabet folks that have ramped up their invasion into the national psyche simply because June was designated by someone as Alphabet Pride Month. Trans children shows, the Dodgers pride award fiasco, Bud Light, etc., that I neither want my children to learn about yet nor to be slathered all over every bit of media as if inundation of all senses will make me care.

See, there’s two things there: no matter what, we don’t have to care or accept it, and we sure don’t have to allow our children to be exposed to the more horrible aspects of what has been touted as a valid lifestyle.

Additionally, if the rules that are created, either through executive fiat, departmental regulation or law that do not coincide with my obligation to protect my child, then it is my duty — and frankly my pleasure — to step in.

There have been many examples across the globe of the overreach of societal elements — schools, public libraries, sporting events and the like — where powers and self-appointed powers that be decided we all will embrace the current zeitgeist, conform to the latest craze, or accept the latest group of people that have decided they are marginalized.

When you think about it, all of these events are not necessarily about acceptance or even raising awareness, but are about approval, and about taking the malleable youth of our society and forcing that acceptance on them. 

It’s not just about the gay and trans movements, either, although those are the latest and greatest examples. This kind of indoctrination has also cropped up in nutrition, appearance, race and even politics, where the words of Neil Peart ring out, “conform or be cast out.”

History is replete with examples of society coming together and doing very amazing things for the common good. It is just as replete with examples of society determining behavior and beliefs, which have been one of the most destructive forces in the universe.

When you protect your children, there must be lessons in following the rules. Equally, there must be lessons of when not to.

Tony Farkas is editor of the Trinity County News-Standard and the San Jacinto News-Times. He can be reached at tony@polkcountypublishing.com.