10 years ago
City Council receives updates; Centerville Kindergarten, Pre-K visit pumpkin patch; Crockett center offers ladies exercise class-importance of regular exercise emphasized; GISD to host Veterans’ Day barbecue. Obituary for the week: Fred Maxey, 76, of Alexandria.
20 years ago
Bush, Smith, McReynolds carries county for President, Sheriff, Rep.; It’s almost that time of year-You know-Deer Season; Piney creed bridge replacement closes FM 358; Groveton Indians travel to Normangee Friday to battle for first place in District. Obituaries for the week: Odessa Leah Hudson, 88, of Madisonville; and Addie Belle Wood, 94, of Nogalus Prairie.
30 years ago
Lockhart/Chandler win; Greg Richards named Assistant DA; Warren Magee dies in one-car wreck; County approved for FEMA funds. Obituary for the week: Warren Lynn Magee, 21, of Groveton.